Monday, March 22, 2010

The yoga friend, oceanic beds and happy zees

I am barely hanging on to the shirt tails of the weekend. What I would do for one more day free of structure or schedule.

And while the gracious thing to do is let go, I find myself shamelessly bargaining with Father Time:

“If you grant me just one more day, I will use it to prepare my 2009 taxes, vacuum the house (even behind the doors), and finally get around to properly organizing my study.”

Meanwhile, I am secretly planning a sleep-in ’til 9 a.m., making coffee, crawling back into my new king-size bed and reading until noon, with Bear and Angel curled up at my feet. Ah, sweet Sundays.

But Father Time is onto me, and just snubs my appeals, then goes back to his business of ticking. The totally uncompromising dude, like Father Universe and Sister Fate, seems to know something I don’t, and insists upon doing things on his own snazzy watch.

So, with resignation, I program my alarm clock for 5:45 a.m. so that I may arrive showered, caffeinated and alert for my first class, Awakening Yoga, at the University of Alberta.

In all truth, it is a lovely way to start the day – often I am waking up right along with my students! – and by the time they hit the floor for a well-deserved savasana, the sun is starting to pour in through the gymnasium windows, bathing us all in warm late-winter light. This is one of the most auspicious times of the day, for me, to connect with inner stillness and tap the deep well of gratitude and peace. I enjoy the serene looks on the students’ faces, as they so often roll up their mats, smiling to themselves, and get on with the rest of their day.

It is true; yoga is like a sweet secret whispered within; a best friend, who always has a story or insight to enliven your senses, a built-in confider and confidante, a great and enduring companion whose simple presence in your life makes you a fuller person; someone who knows the real you, and reminds you when you forget, that you are all that you need to be, already.

That is why I “do” yoga – or rather, try to live my yoga, on and off the mat; some days better than others; because that secret smile is not only becoming – on everyone – but it illuminates, and communicates with a guiding light within that seems to grow brighter and, like a beacon, attract good people and things into my day, who radiate at friendly frequencies.

By 8:30 a.m. on Mondays, I have almost three hours under my belt, and several hours to myself before teaching my evening classes at Yoga Within. Sometimes I use the time to come up with a new rockin’ retro playlist for Fun Flow Yoga, or I do my own home practice and catch up on some errands.

Tomorrow, though, I will test a recipe that I am hoping to serve with brunch at the Spring Soul Yoga Retreat. My mom’s delicious and savoury breakfast strata has always been a hit with people, and she’s given me some of her time-tested tips for improving the recipe. As I write, I am making the bread “day-old” and anticipating sampling this yummy soul food for the rest of the week. Thanks, mom!

Well, time to hit the royal hay. Hmmm, maybe I will sleep sideways tonight in my new king-size bed!! So long, Sunday, and happy zees! No longer must I live with perpetual hotel-room bed envy – and that is a reason, in itself, to be pretty darn happy.


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