Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What can be better than THIS?

Let me just start this post by saying how awesome you guys are! I really feel like we’re one big supportive family. It’s strange how you can really begin caring about people you’ve never even met before, but I really do care about each and every one of you and do my best to pick you guys up if you’re down – and you guys always manage to pick me up when I’m treading murky waters. This is like group therapy minus the huge bill! Plus it’s not limited to once/week thus is even more helpful! (They should have Blog Therapy – hehe) I felt much better after reading all of your guys’ comments and am happy to report that I didn’t even need to use my Ed-rella today because not once did I feel even the slightest urge to turn to him! In fact, my day went pretty great and ended in me scoring not only an outing to my favorite Kiki’s (courtesy of my sweet boyfriend) but two (yes – TWO) jars of PB & Co. (which I finally found!) So excited to try them!

Sooo excited!! I was envious of all you ladies who've been snacking on this baby and posting pics of the yummyliciousness! So exciteddd!! I was jealous of all of you who’ve been enjoying these babies and wanted to get my hands on some asap!

Which oh which do I try first? Suggestions?

You should have seen the way my eyes lit up when I saw these on the shelf at a market on California St.! I must’ve looked insane to bystanders. Grabbing jar after jar, all excited.

YUM.gif YUM image by 72BtrflyMoon

What we did today: B and I trudged the entire city in search of PB & Co. Am I kidding? No. We walked a good number of miles, rode upwards of 12 buses and poked and prodded a good number of products lining grocery store shelves. Is this my idea of a perfect day? Yes.

On to them eats – a food blog just wouldn’t be a food blog without them!

Breakfast: Buckwheat (gotta switch those grains up!) + PB + Yogurt = happy tummy.

In the glow of my lamp and with S&TC on!

Snack: An un-pictured chai latter + banana

Lunch: My new obsession of a combo!———>

1 med Yam, 1/4 cup Edamame, 1/2 cup oats, 1/2 banana, 3 faux Crab sticks, mushrooms, cinnamon, salt. LOVE.

Yes, I have a very obsessive and addictive personality. This shows in all aspects of my life. Goes hand in hand with my black and white-ness. Hey – I even work at White House Black Market! So when I discover and new delicious combo, it sticks for a while until I hit burnout. That’s how I roll.

Snack 2: Unpictured apple + PB. (eaten on the bus as a homeless man was screaming obscenities in the seat facing us.) Very classy situation indeed.

Dinner: Kiki’s Tiger Roll + two Tamago Nigiri. (still on B’s phone since I forgot the camera.) Is it weird that I can’t eat without snapping a pic first now? hehe

And now it’s time for snackage number three and finally getting around to watching that movie “Kolya” that I still hadn’t watched! So happy to be home and relaxing under my covers after my marathon of a day! What did you do today?

Hope you had a great day too!



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