Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Rice Pudding

Before I found out I had celiac, I didn’t eat all that much rice.   I mean, sure I enjoyed the occasional side of spanish rice or brown rice with steamed veggies, but rice took on a whole new interest for me once I couldn’t eat wheat, barley, rye or oats.

There are so many things you can make with rice and so many different varieties and styles to choose from — arborio, basmati, black, wild, long grain, short grain, and sticky to name a few.

Probably one of my favorite ways to eat it, though, is sweet and gooey as rice pudding.  It’s so simple to make, and it’s the ultimate comfort food. 

Plus it uses an egg — and lord knows I’m always looking for uses for eggs with all the ones the chickens give us!

I used a simple recipe, and in just about an hour had a steaming bowl of yum!


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