Wednesday, March 17, 2010


This week I decided that I would try to cook some interesting meals since I have some extra time. For Monday I chose to make Ox-Tail Soup. Really different and fun to cook, I think that the end result was too thick and rich to have served on It’s own as an entrĂ©e, Probably should have kept it as an appetizer.

Next up is my Alnwick Soup. A total disaster. I forgot to remove the fatty salty rind from the ham hock, and also forgot to discard the initial boil water and start fresh. The dish ended up thick and salty, almost inedible. We went out for mexican food instead.

This last dish was a success and by far the best of the week, Homemade Lemon/Basil Pasta. We went out and bought a pasta roller and made so much that we were eating for two days. This dish alone made the week’s effort worthwhile.


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