Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pantry Challenge -- One Day In

If you are unfamiliar with my Pantry Challenge, please read this post.

Reason #1 why I need this challenge -- Disaster!

If you have been following along, here is an update.

Last night was easy.

Had left over lasagna to chow down on, did not need to really dip in to anything frozen or stale, though I did eat some white chocolate for dessert.

Decided to take some pics with phone of just why this challenge is needed.

Both freezer and pantry are overflowing and quite messy. (Yes, that is a bottle of vodka in the freezer next to the teething rings, what’s it to you?)

Reason #2 why I need this challenge: can you say mess?

Pantry items used: 0 (Unless a Lindt truffle counts?)

Freezer items used: 0

Times I have cheated on challenge: 0

Level of enthusiasm for challenge : still a 10!!!!!

Days into the challenge: 2


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