Monday, February 1, 2010

Be a Rich Online Kitchen Utensils Retailer

The attraction of kitchen utensils for the mail order dealer is that every household is a potential target. Saucepans, frying pans etc sold as matching sets can be promoted either as useful gifts or for the purchaser’s own use.

Detail the qualities for cooking purposes of the particular materials the pans are made of, stressing how easy it is to use and to clean them and how they enhance the excellence of whatever is being cooked — or whatever their virtues really are. High street shops tend to display their kitchenware in a rather unhelpful manner, leaving potential buyers with little upon which to base their buying decisions beyond appearance and price. Mail order can score by talking informatively to the intelligent cook.

Drop Shipping Business

Price/weight ratio is good for sets of items, and sometimes acceptable even for single items. After-sales problems should be few.

A well produced catalogue of items can be advertised in the classified columns. Particular items or sets can be sold off the page by well designed display advertising.

Follow-up possibilities include the complete range of kitchenware in particular and of household items in general.


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