Friday, December 4, 2009

Here we go again

I feel like I’ve done this before. Not just the blog, but this entire phase of my life. Deja vu, maybe?

(It’s a glitch in the matrix.)

It’s hard to write the first post on a new blog. I think it’s hard to fill the first page of a new notebook. Usually I’ll just skip over the first page and go to the second but a big empty post at the top of my new blog would look pretty silly. So bear with me; I’ll find my rhythm.

It’s been an interesting week in the Beehive. Lil’ Bee has been sick – very sick. What started as teething morphed into a stomach virus, an ear infection, an impacted colon and a severe case of diaper rash. Poor baby! He’s such a trooper though – I know he’s feeling bad, yet he tries to play and be happy. It kills me not to be able to make him feel better. I’ve wished time and time again that he could tell me where it hurts so I could get him what he needs. But maybe he is – maybe his “aah-goo ga-ga-gaaah” doesn’t feel good. I hate it when my “aah-goo ga-ga-gaaah” hurts.

The Bee has been gone most of the week. His work keeps him on the road, in the fields, and generally miserable.  He’s so worried about money (or our overall lack of money) that he’s working as much as he can. Nevermind that we’re still paying off debts incurred from earlier this year that we haven’t been able to save much at all. (Read through the lines here – that really means none. We haven’t saved anything.) It always seems like there is something new that needs purchased (a new carseat), something old that needs fixed (the truck’s front bumper), groceries to buy, dogs to feed…

Blah, blah, blah… My mom has always said that if money is the solution to your problems, then your problems aren’t that bad. I’d agree with that but collection notices do get old.

We gave away our Bloodhound puppy this week. The dog drove me crazy – she was a terror – but I still cried when the Bee’s sister drove away with her. Her new owner has had Bloodhounds all his life, apparently his previous dog was just put to sleep. I know she’s in a good home and she’s probably very happy. Unfortunately, her departure has left Pootie with a lot of time on his hands (paws?) and he’s doubled up on his destructo efforts in her absence. Just yesterday I came home to find that he’d chewed through the boxes of three Christmas presents and ate my camera. I was able to salvage the memory card but I’m still pretty peeved about the whole thing.


I made oatmeal cookies this evening. They were of the hockey puck variety – perfectly awful. I’m not sure what I did wrong. I bought an oven thermometer last week and it seems the more I try to fine tune the oven temperature, the further astray I go. *Sigh*

It’s been a big week. The Bee and I have made some discoveries, some progress, some big decisions. We have big news to share but I’m hesitant to post it before all parties have been notified. How’s that for a cliffhanger?

That being said, I think this is enough for a first post. I’m spent.


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