Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Eve Menu 2009

Well, another Christmas Eve down the hatch – and yet another disaster to write about.  I was worried about the ovens – we ended up fixing them in a very “creative” way and I was worried about them working correctly when all 4 ovens are on at the same time.  I discovered through trial and error that if I wanted the oven at 375, I had to turn it to 400 and then down to 375 for if I just put it to 375 it would go to about 300 and turn off.  A great way to cook a $125 piece of meat, right?

Anyway, it turned out I was worrying about the wrong thing as we had an ice storm Christmas Eve and our electricity went our for three hours about 20 minutes before we were supposed to eat.  When this happened I have to admit, I yelled FUCK about three different ways in front of children and my 80 year old mother in law.  I couldn’t believe it!   Luckily, the beef tenderloin in the oven was pretty much done, and the other beef tenderloin was on the grill,  so no problems there.  But, I couldn’t bake the dinner rolls, properly re-heat the twice baked potatoes and the roasted cauliflower got mushy since it was sitting around too long, so that was kind of a disaster.  I was glad that we were all eating by dim candlelight, because everyone was raving about the meat but I know that had they seen it, they would be screaming, well, bloody murder.  Oh well, funny how alcohol + darkness = fabulous meal.  And everyone forgot about my F-bomb… I think.

Happy Holidays everyone!


Justin Wilson’s Holiday Cheese Ball

Grilled Beef Tenderloin with Rosemary & Red Peppercorns

Roasted Beef Tenderloin with Garlic Parsley Butter Crust

Chateaubriand Sauce

Roasted Cauliflower

Twice-Baked Potatoes

Sandy Salad

(a favorite by my friend Sandy – will post recipe soon)

Dinner Rolls

(never made!)

Hot Chocolate & Christmas Cookies


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