Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Our First Successful Event..The Fiesta!

Hi, my name is Kristen Fuller and I am a student of Jacksonville State University. My major is Dietetics and am only 1 semester away from graduating. I have completed most of my requirements for the degree and am finally getting to enjoy the classes like Quantity Food Production, where I get to use all of the information and knowledge I have been collection for over 3 years of studying. It is finally all coming together!

I have to admit, I was a little scared when we first started the semester and received our assignments to do 4 large events where we were assigned to cook, serve, entertain, and teach a group of 50 people. It was just completely overwhelming to think about. During our first meeting, we brainstormed a lot and came up with the themes for each event and what kind of decorations we could use and how to keep our budget to a minimum while still creating a healthy and memorable event.  We were separated into groups such as entree, side dish, appetizer, and desert. This really helped and slowly, as we started to blog and work together in our groups, it started to seem like a possible mission to accomplish.

Our groups each came up with their dish, making them as healthy and inexpensive, but still tasty as possible. The appetizer group chose a wonderfully tasty Mexican Caviar. The side dish group chose a zucchini/pepper/onion/ and tomato dish. The entrée group chose a spicy turkey taco and the dessert group chose a wonderful orange dessert. As we showed up on the day of the event, the craziness immediately began. All of us were there ready to help, but because it was the first event we have ever done, there was a few problems with people knowing where they were supposed to be at the right time. I think by the next event, we will all be more prepared and have a better understanding of what should be done first.

All in all though, I felt that everyone jumped in to help and volunteered for anything they could. Everyone seemed flexible to jump in and help other groups and get the food done first that needed to be done first.

After working hard over the stove in the hot kitchen, I quickly moved into the dining room when the people arrived to work as a server. I have a little bit of serving experience so I didn’t feel too uncomfortable. I did feel it was very hard to serve as the speakers were trying to talk to the listeners, but we did our best to stay out of the way. During our next event, we are working to set up the design of the room slightly different in order to stay out of  the way a little better while still serving.

I am very excited for our next event. I am working the dessert group and think we have some tasty plans.

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